Content Guidelines

Middlebrow Network Content Guidelines

Welcome to Middlebrow Network, a space designed for artists to engage in diverse thought and discussion. These guidelines help ensure a safe and constructive environment. We have the exclusive right to interpret and enforce these rules, leveraging external experts, research, and industry practices when needed. If you encounter content that may breach these guidelines or have questions, contact us at [email protected].

Enforcement and Updates

We may remove, hide, or impose restrictions on content violating these guidelines. This document evolves, and we reserve the right to update it without notice.

Legal Considerations

Respect intellectual property, privacy, and legal rights. Do not publish content that violates laws or regulations. You are solely responsible for the content you publish and liable for any harm it may cause.

In General

Promote a safe environment for discussion and expression. While we encourage discourse on controversial topics, we do not tolerate credible threats of physical harm.


Middlebrow Network prohibits content inciting violence based on protected classes, including race, ethnicity, religion, and more. Credible threats of harm towards individuals are strictly forbidden.

Private Information

Do not publish others’ private information without express permission. Threatening to expose private information is also prohibited. Publicly accessible information is exempt.


Do not present others’ work as your own. Respect intellectual property rights and credit original creators.


Impersonating individuals, brands, or organizations, including Middlebrow Network itself, is not allowed. Do not misrepresent the company or mislead others.

Harmful and Illegal Activities

Content promoting harm or illegal activities, whether towards oneself, others, or animals, is not permitted.

Spam and Phishing

We strongly oppose spam and phishing. Ensure mailing lists are opt-in, avoiding purchased or harvested email addresses. Middlebrow Network is for quality editorial content, not conventional marketing.

Marketing and Promotion

Publications solely promoting external products or services, driving traffic to third-party sites, or engaging in SEO activities are not allowed. Brands and organizations may be subject to additional verification.

Nudity, Porn, Erotica

Explicit sexual content is prohibited, but artistic depictions, journalistic content, and erotic literature are allowed. Strictly no nudity in profile images.

Comments, Notes & Community Surfaces

Guidelines apply to comments, notes, and community surfaces. Writers are responsible for moderating their communities, and readers curate their experiences. Do not create accounts to circumvent blocks and bans.

Artificial or Inauthentic Activity

Middlebrow Network opposes artificial or inauthentic activity. We may intervene to remove accounts engaging in such behavior.